Introducing: Marvel's 2024 Class of Summer Interns

In New York, Richmond, & San Juan

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Cover · Introducing: Marvel's 2024 Class of Summer Interns
Alyanna de Vera
29 Jul 2024 All, Research, News

At Marvel, we've had the pleasure of mentoring a dynamic group of eight interns this summer-- with diverse placements across our offices in New York, Richmond, and San Juan. Among them, three focused on landscape architecture and five on architecture, bringing fresh perspectives and enthusiasm to our interdisciplinary projects. As they wrap up their time with us, we want to extend our best wishes for their future endeavors. We are confident that they will continue to excel and spread the message of inclusive design wherever their careers take them.

Read on to learn more about these talented individuals, and join us in celebrating their achievements this summer!


Ari's sketch for Marvel's Belle Isle Vision Plan.

Name: Ari Bell

School: University of Virginia, Master of Landscape Architecture

Discipline: Landscape Architecture

Key Inspo: Irish Hunger Memorial, NYC

It’s been such a pleasure to intern at Marvel this summer. I’ve been especially grateful for the opportunity to work on local public park projects in Richmond and to engage with leaders and agencies who are advocating for well-designed open spaces. As I go into my last year of graduate school, I’m excited to pursue thesis research in the theatricality of landscapes along with a trip to Europe to document amusement park landscapes.

Check out Ari's recent accolade: National CELA Student Creative Scholarship Award Recipient: Ari Bell


Nombre: Naiomy Columna Díaz

Escuela: Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras

Disciplina de interés: Arquitectura sustentable, Tecnologías Pasivas

Durante mi pasantía en Marvel, adquirí experiencia práctica en el proceso de diseño arquitectónico, desde el desarrollo conceptual hasta la planificación detallada. Colaboré con un equipo de arquitectos y diseñadores experimentados en varios proyectos, incluidos espacios residenciales, comerciales y públicos. También participé en visitas al sitio y revisiones de proyectos, lo que me brindó una comprensión integral del ciclo de vida del proyecto y la importancia de las relaciones con los clientes. El entorno dinámico e innovador de Marvel mejoró significativamente mis habilidades en software de diseño, gestión de proyectos y comunicación efectiva, sentando una base sólida para mi futura carrera en arquitectura. Esta experiencia representa una valiosa oportunidad para profundizar en mi campo de estudio. . Entre mis intereses encuentro un fuerte deseo de sumergirme en un entorno intelectualmente estimulante que me permita explorar en profundidad temas que me apasionan, como Arquitectura y Cultura, Ciudades Inteligentes, Arquitectura y Naturaleza, Iluminación Natural, Arquitectura Sostenible y otros. Temas relacionados.


Name: Naiomy Columna Diaz

School: University of Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras

Discipline of interest: Sustainable architecture, Passive Technologies

During my internship at Marvel, I have gained hands-on experience in the architectural design process, from conceptual development to detailed planning. I collaborated with a team of seasoned architects and designers on various projects, including residential, commercial, and public spaces. I also participated in site visits, and project reviews, which provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the project's lifecycle and the importance of client relationships. The dynamic and innovative environment at Marvel significantly enhanced my skills in design software, project management, and effective communication, laying a solid foundation for my future career in architecture.This experience represents a valuable opportunity for me to delve deeper into my field of study. Among my interests I find a strong desire to immerse myself in an intellectually stimulating environment that allows me to explore in depth topics that I am passionate about, such as Architecture and Culture, Cities Intelligent, Architecture and Nature, Natural Lighting, Sustainable Architecture, and other related topics.

Marvel San Juan 2024 Summer Interns, Left to Right: Naiomy Columna Diaz, Maireliz Luciano Sosa.


Van's graphic of 116th St Skyway.

Name: Van Le

School: CCNY Spitzer School of Architecture

Discipline of interest: Landscape Architecture 

Key Inspo: Isama Noguchi. Ceramics. Floral arranging. Interior design.

Hi. I’m Van, one of this summer’s Landscape Architecture interns. I am currently at Spitzer School of Architecture at CCNY and heading in the final year of the MLA program. My background is in Textile Design for fashion brands based in San Francisco. The switch to Landscape Architecture and becoming a student again is a big career and life shift for me that has been exciting, exhausting, and inspiring. I believe in the importance of public space for well-being, harmony between nature and people, and creative design that elevates our surroundings. Being at Marvel has been a great learning experience that further confirms this career move was the right decision. Someday, I would love to incorporate land art or installations into my body of work.  

Check out Van's portfolio of work: Van Le (

Isolated studios of playground options for a residential campus project by Van. These explore different types of play equipment and forms that consider inclusive design and use of color and pattern to express playfulness.



Name: Maireliz Luciano Sosa

School: Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, School of Architecture and Design RHC

Discipline of Interest: Architecture 

Key Inspo: Zaha Hadid, Neri Oxman, Jeanne Gang

As an architecture student pursuing a B.Arch Professional Degree with a minor in Architectural Representation/Graphic Design, I am passionate about blending creativity with practical skills. My involvement in community initiatives drives my ambition to create impactful changes and opportunities for those around me. With a deep appreciation for music, art, theatre, fashion, and travel, I embrace learning as a gateway to growth, which I actively apply in my internship experience. I’ve had the opportunity to combine my creativity with problem solving to create design proposals, as well as well as reinforce my technical abilities in representation and software. My diverse interests and commitment to community engagement fuel my desire to make a meaningful contribution to the field of architecture.

Robinson School Wayfinding Landscape and Render by Maireliz.



Musa's doodle from last winter.

Name: Musa Matiwane

School: CCNY Spitzer School of Architecture

Discipline of interest: Landscape Architecture

Key Inspo: Family, friends, teachers and the natural world… Felix Gonzales-Torres, George Trakas and Maya Lin

Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, I have always been interested in city systems, environmental health and how urban space is utilized. During my time at Marvel, I have had the opportunity to work alongside the NY landscape team developing public space within the city. I am so grateful for my time here, the opportunity to work on real world projects alongside such talented and caring designers, not to mention their commitment to leadership and learning has been all an intern or somebody new to the field could ask for. With the skills and experience gained from my time here I plan to return to CCNY for my second year of my MLA program with a new wave of energy and excitement. As for the future, who knows… but I’m very excited to travel, see the world and potentially design some of it.

Rendering of a residential campus project by Musa.


Reuben's sketch from last semester.

Name: Reuben Muana

School: CCNY Spitzer School of Architecture

Discipline of interest: Architecture

Key Inspo: Pierre Koenig, the Eames, Kengo Kuma, Louis Kahn

My name is Reuben, and I come from the Philippines. I moved to the US when I was 21 and have been living in New York for 10 years now.

I chose a career in architecture because I wanted to improve spaces in meaningful ways. I’m fascinated by how even simple materials can create powerful experiences in well-designed spaces.

At Marvel, I’ve learned a lot about the design process. I’ve been involved in client meetings and site visits, which has shown me how design can impact communities. Marvel’s work has taught me that architecture is about more than just buildings; it’s about the spaces around them and the connections they create. The teamwork at Marvel has been very inspiring.

As I enter my final year of architecture school, I hope to use everything I’ve learned from Marvel to work on projects that have a similar positive impact on communities.



Villa Rotonde in Italy.

Name: Liv Vernon

School: University of Virginia

Discipline of interest: Architecture

Key Inspo: Carlo Scarpa

This summer I have worked with amazing teams on a mixed-use, affordable housing development in Buffalo and a community engagement project in Hartford, CT. The intersections of storytelling, history, and space were a prevalent thread in my studio work, so it has been exciting to continue that design process in professional work. The humanity of the sites we study and design cannot be forgotten in any part of the process. I look forward to carrying with me all that I have learned from being a part of Marvel this summer!

From Liv's thesis A Living Shoreline: An Imagining of an Adaptive Coastline with Aquaculture, Seasonal Housing, and a Community Porch.


Design IV Isometric Rendering.

Name: Jonathan Wilmers

School: Cornell University 

Discipline of interest: Architecture 

Key Inspo: Office for Metropolitan Architecture

I was born and raised in New York City and in the fall, I’ll be entering my fourth year as a B.Arch student at Cornell University. 

At Marvel, I’ve had the opportunity to work with multiple project teams on visualizations of different project at various levels of development. The bulk of my time has been spent collaborating on the schematic design of an arts center in upstate New York, focusing primarily on massing articulation and facade design. 

Looking to the future, after graduating I'd love to continue working in New York City or pursue a graduate degree abroad. 


Marvel New York 2024 Summer Interns, Left to Right of the first image: Liv Vernon, Musa Matiwane, Jonathan Wilmers, Van Le, Reuben Muana.


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