Spring Ephemerals with Jin H

An Illustrated Guide to Spring Ephemerals

An Illustrated Guide to Spring Ephemerals

A Visual Journey Through Native Plants and the Pollinators They Support


The first signs of Spring in the Northeast are marked by the emergence of flowers like forsythias, daffodils, and hyacinths. They stud our parks, planter beds, and road medians with their trademark colors — heralds of warmer weather and future foliage. If you go hiking around this time of year, you may find trilliums or Dutchman’s breeches emerging from a blanket of brown leaf litter. These woodland wildflowers are called spring ephemerals. They have evolved to complete a portion of their life cycle during this time — before trees flush out their leaves and when sunlight can still reach the forest floor.


Community Spring Ephemerals Flowers
Left to Right: Forsythia by liz west, Daffodils by K. Mitch Hodge, Hyacinth by The wub.



This diagram (above) is a celebration of Spring ephemerals, as well as a nod to the entangled relationships they have with our multi-legged cohabitors (i.e. insects). Spring ephemerals play an especially important role in that respect, oftentimes serving as a first food source for pollinators post-winter hibernation.



Community Spring Ephemerals Pollinators
Left to Right, Trout Lily Pollinators: Miner Bee by Mary Anne Borge, Mason Bee by Judy Gallagher, Bumblebee by Ivar Leidus.


Below are some personal favorites:

1. Erythronium americanumthe trout lily


Community Spring Ephemerals Trout Lily
Photo by Patti Black via Wikipedia.


2. Podophyllum peltatum,mayapple


Community Spring Ephemerals Mayapple
Photography by Wasrts via Wikipedia.


3. Dicentra cucullariaDutchman’s britches, or Dutchman’s breeches


Community Spring Ephemerals Dutchman's
Photography by Catie Drew via Wikipedia.


4. Geranium maculatumthe wild geranium


Community Spring Ephemerals Geranium
Photography by PhotoDoc via Wikipedia.



While I may not be a botanist or ecologist, I do believe landscape architects & designers should play a pivotal role in supporting ecological communities within the built environment. We need to go beyond traditional garden design and create work that is unapologetic about its advocacy for biodiversity and wildlife.


Check out the diagram on Instagram: Marvel (@marvel_is_design)