In the meantime, please take a look at some of our other work: Mill Pond Park Lexington Avenue Armory 29 Jay Street Arlo Hotel Midtown Bronx Point Theory World Headquarters and Retail Flagship Norris Square Park Bronx Museum of the Arts South Wing Expansion Hillier College of Architecture and Design at NJIT In the meantime, please take a look at some of our other work: The Doris Duke Theatre Landscape at Jacob’s Pillow TheatreSquared House 94 Central King Building at NJIT National Black Theatre Harvard University Affiliate Housing Pierhouse and 1 Hotel St. Ann’s Warehouse One Clinton In the meantime, please take a look at some of our other work: American Physical Society Headquarters McCarren Pool and Bathhouse Brooklyn Heights Public Library 29 Jay Street La Concha San Juan Bronx Animal Care Center St. Ann’s Warehouse National Black Theatre Norris Square Park